What is Considered a Serious Brain Injury?

What is Considered a Serious Brain Injury?

Brain injuries can be tricky to identify due to the lack of visible symptoms; this is why they are often known as the “invisible injury”. Yet, the repercussions of suffering a brain injury can be overwhelming and have severe consequences on an...
The Most Frequent Bicycle Accident Injuries

The Most Frequent Bicycle Accident Injuries

Bicycling is associated with the risk of accidents and injury just like other forms of transportation. Recently, there has been an alarming trend of escalating fatalities in bicycle-related accidents, prompting heightened safety concerns for bikers everywhere....
The Most Common Causes of Semi-Truck Accidents

The Most Common Causes of Semi-Truck Accidents

Semi-trucks play a crucial role in transporting goods across America’s highways; they can also be the cause of some of the most horrific truck accidents we witness on our roads today. The sheer size and weight of these vehicles make them capable of causing...